
2007中秋節in Australia  , 2007 Mid-Autumn Festival(Mood Festival) in Australia


我們烤了一隻鷄,煮了一些pasta與弄了一大盆green salad, 三個人高高興興的慶祝中秋順便飽餐一頓.

小點子打電話回家,家中父親問他這裡的月亮會比較圓嗎? 小點子開玩笑回答說我們這裡住在公寓大樓看

不到月亮,所以我們也不知道月亮有比較圓嗎? 不過國外的月亮再怎樣圓也沒有家鄉的月亮來的有感覺.

This is the first time we celebrated The Moon Festival in Australia not in Taiwan, and it's special for us.  In Taiwan at The Moon Festival we will have a celebration, like eatting at home or go to restaurants with our family.  In Melbourne we celebrated with our sharemate. We baked a chicken and cooked some  butter cheese pasta, pottage and green salad.  When we finished such generous dinner, we felt very full and satisfied.

@ 開動嚕,不過鷄沒烤熟,烤了兩次說...  / Baked chicken , oh~ it is delicious

@ 這green salad經過我們室友調味後,變的真的好好吃喔'(之前點子老爹不管怎樣調味,吃起來就跟吃草一樣,難吃) / We had tried to make the green salad before, but our salad was always failing. This time, Our salad was made by our sharemate, and her green salad was very delicious.

@(左)小點子 (中)點子老爹 與 我們(右)室友三個人一起慶祝中秋 / We three people celebrated The Moon Festival together with a generous dinner. 

@這裡東西很貴,不要浪費,所以連鷄骨頭都不要放過.../ The price for everything in Melbourne isn't cheap.   We don't want to waste anything even chicken bone.

點子老爹來澳洲前在台灣特別學了如何做九份芋圓, 在Mel. 找了好久才買到芋頭 . 剛好飯後, 吃太飽了,開始來作芋圓與地瓜圓運動一下, 三個人對於地瓜粉與太白粉的量拿捏的不是很清楚, 加上一些突發狀況,搞了很久終於把不是很完美的芋圓與地瓜圓給呈現出來. 芋圓與地瓜圓淋上濃濃紅糖龍眼乾薑湯,喝上一口 ,好滿足喔 .

We had learnd how to make the dumplings made of yam and sweet potato(ipomeoa) from our mother in Taiwan.  We spent much time to looking for the yam in Melbourne city.  We three guys tried to make it again as a exercise after our generous dinner.  We also spent a lot of time to make it, and in the end we had a successful sweet soup with ginger and longan.

@兩位女士輪流幫芋頭麵粉團按摩中. / Two ladies were having a massage on the yam dumplings.

@成功了~~~ / We made it.

    創作者 點子旅行家 的頭像


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